With geriatric Internet Explorer versions this site looks shite. This because Impossiblue is built with modern tools and would require hacks and workarounds to function in legacy browsers. I no longer have the patience nor the inclination to satisfy everybody. Impossiblue is an experiment and a playground – and my sustenance does not depend on it. As a concequence – to embarrass nobody – I have decided to lock you out. So, there.


backdrop-filter: blur()

Important: This test will only succeed in WebKit-based browsers (starting with iOS Safari 9.3 and Mac OS X Safari 10) and browsers that support the standard CSS backdrop blur filter.

Embedded content


Text on a backdrop with a blur value of 12px

Text on a backdrop with a blur value of 9px

Fig. 1. The CSS backdrop-filter blurs an underlying image embedded in an HTML img tag.

Bacground image

Text on a backdrop with a blur value of 6px

Fig. 2. The CSS backdrop-filter blurs the background image of its parent container.


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Text on a backdrop with a blur value of 3px

Fig. 3. The CSS backdrop-filter blurs underlying text.


Fig. 4. Hover over image to remove blur.

Image courtesy of Pixabay.